Thursday, May 28, 2009

Woodland Wildflower Walks

Last week, Ryan Campbell & Bob Lootens led two woodland wildflower walks in Fermilab's Big Woods. Campbell, who recently received his Master’s degree from Southern Illinois University has been hired as a consultant for restoration ecology at Fermilab. Ryan also has a history of years of work at Fermilab.

More photos!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Regional Recognition

Fermilab's prairie restoration efforts received a nice write-up in the Fall 2008 issue of Chicago Wilderness, of which FNA is a member organization.

T-shirts for Sale!

Fermilab Natural Areas has T-shirts! Order yours by calling Jeanette at 630-840-3303. Short-sleeved shirts are just $15 and long-sleeves are $18. Both sport the FNA logo on the front, and our website on the back.

Membership Renewals

Thanks to all of you who have renewed your FNA memberships! If you haven’t yet renewed, or you would like to change your level, visit the Membership page, or simply contact us by email.

Legal Status

FNA, which is currently a part of Fermi Research Alliance, is actively pursuing our own status as a not-for-profit corporation under the laws of Illinois and the Internal Revenue Service. While contributions to FNA are tax-deductible, we will soon be an independent corporation. We recently became a legal not-for-profit corporation in Illinois, and we are actively working on the paperwork to submit to IRS to obtain our legal, “tax deductible” status. We expect to have this soon.